In September 2022, Shakira discussed her divorce for the first time in an interview with Elle. She said, “I’ve been quiet and simply tried to comprehend it all. It’s challenging to discuss it, particularly given that I’m still dealing with it, that I’m well-known, and that our split is not typical of other separations. Therefore, it has been difficult for both my kids and me. She also discussed how her children, Milan, 9, and Sasha, 7, were affected by way the divorce was portrayed in the media. What’s also genuine is my disappointment at how the media has degraded and trivialized my relationship with my children’s father, which I had believed to be precious and special. My dad has been in the intensive care unit throughout this entire time, and I’ve been battling on various fronts. As I already stated, this is likely the lowest moment of my life. But then I consider all the women in the world who are struggling, who are dealing with conditions that are either worse than mine or just as challenging as mine.
Why Gerard Piqué divorced Shakira?

Why did Shakira and Gerard Piqué split up? Due to disputes, the two separated. Nothing has ever been proven to be true about the alleged affair between Clara Cha Mart and Gerard Piqué and Shakira. A source reportedly told Page Six that the “She Wolf” artist was “devastated to learn that this woman clearly felt at home in the house they shared with their children.” It was uncovered that Clara appeared in one of Gerard’s Zoom backdrops from 2021 and that she was supposedly living in their home while Shakira was abroad. When he conducted the Zoom interview, Shakira was abroad traveling with their kids, but the source stated, “They were still very much together at that time. She is devastated to discover that the relationship has lasted far longer than she anticipated.
On the set of her music video for the FIFA anthem “Waka Waka (This Time for Africa),” Shakira first got to know Gerard. The two revealed their relationship in a Facebook post from 2011. Shakira and Gerard jointly declared their separation on June 4, 2022. “We regret to confirm that we are separating,” they wrote. We ask that you respect our privacy because the safety of our kids is our first priority. Thank you for your patience. The soccer player, who calls Barcelona home, has been dating Clara “for the past few months,” according to The Sun. According to an insider, “She is a student who also organizes events for him in his office. Despite their silence over their relationship, everyone in their immediate vicinity is aware of it.
Additionally, Shakira collaborated with Bizzarap on a song that has gone viral and in which she directly criticizes both her ex and his new girlfriend. In a translation provided by Billboard, she sings, “I’m worth two 22-year-olds, you traded a Ferrari for a Twingo; you traded a Rolex for a Casio.” I realized it’s not my fault they criticize you; I just write music; I’m sorry if it offended you. You abandoned me with my mother-in-law living next door, the media knocking on my door, and a government debt.
Shakira is accused of failing to pay taxes on revenue she received between 2012 and 2014 totaling 14.5 million euros ($13.9 million). If she is found guilty of tax evasion, Spanish prosecutors want to condemn her to eight years in prison and to pay a large fine. Shakira maintains that during the two years of her relationship with Gerard Piqué, she spent less than half of her time living in Spain. She allegedly previously paid the full amount she owes plus an additional 3 million euros ($2.8 million) in interest, according to her public relations company. Shakira will be charged with six charges of tax fraud, according to the court in the municipality of Esplugues de Llobregat, which is close to Barcelona. In a recent interview with Elle, she said, “I’ve paid everything they claimed I owed, even before they filed a lawsuit.” So I owe them nothing as of today. Last but not least, PricewaterhouseCoopers, one of the four largest tax consulting firms in the world, gave me advice, giving me assurance that I was proceeding honestly and correctly from the start.
In the same Elle interview, the “Can’t Remember to Forget You” singer discussed her divorce from Gerard. She said, “I’ve been quiet and simply tried to comprehend it all. It’s challenging to discuss it, particularly given that I’m still dealing with it, that I’m well-known, and that our split is not typical of other separations. Therefore, it has been difficult for both my kids and me. She also discussed how her children, Milan, 9, and Sasha, 7, were affected by way the divorce was portrayed in the media. What’s also genuine is my disappointment at how the media has degraded and trivialized my relationship with my children’s father, which I had believed to be precious and special. My dad has been in the intensive care unit throughout this entire time, and I’ve been battling on various fronts. As I already stated, this is likely the lowest moment of my life. But then I consider all the women in the world who are struggling, who are dealing with conditions that are either worse than mine or just as challenging as mine.
“I haven’t said anything and have just tried to take it all in. Because I’m still dealing with it, I’m in the public glare, and our separation is not like a typical separation, it’s difficult to talk about it, she told the magazine in September 2022. “As a result, it’s been difficult for my kids as well as for me. Very challenging. I constantly have paparazzi camped out in front of my house. And other than my own house, there is nowhere I can hide from them with my children. She also mentioned that her father had been ill at the same time, calling it “one of the most difficult, darkest hours of my life.”
According to a source who spoke with Hollywood Life, the Colombian singer is making every effort to maintain her composure in the face of copious evidence of Gerard and his new girlfriend Clara Chia Marti’s connection emerging. According to the source, Shakira believes she has done everything possible to maintain a cordial co-parenting arrangement with Gerard, including refraining from seeking child support or doing anything else. She has also agreed to pay the expenses for Gerard to frequently see his children in Miami even if he still resides in Barcelona. It therefore seems incredibly unnecessary for him to make this public. Of course, no one wants to witness their ex having a sexual encounter with another person, but she moved on before they broke things off. Her top priority is her children, and even though they agreed to keep their split a secret for a year, she has little control over what he does and is aware that it was inevitable at some time.